Profitability Doesn’t Just Happen

Profitability is Planned
Plan to be Profitable

Business owners often don’t make time to look at their numbers or may not know how to use their financial information to their advantage.

Love Your Numbers Now has a simple system to help you take control of your cashflow and increase profits.

So you can confidently achieve financial success.

A woman in need of financial training for small business owners.

Start Loving Your
Numbers Now

  • Take command of your cash flow

  • Manage profits with a simple system

  • Get clear about the money

Knowing Your Numbers Puts You In Control

Don’t let the business control you. When you know your numbers you control the business. Your business requires:

  • Steady Cash Flow

  • Confident Decision-Making

  • Clear Plan of Action

A man happy now that he knows about cash flow based financial planning.
A woman explaining small business accounting tips that will help the business owner be clear, take action, and increase profits.

Love Your Numbers Now Helps You…

  • Be Clear: map our a clear profit plan, understand your financials, minimize risk, and see opportunities.

  • Take Action: evaluate opportunities, understand ROI and cash flow, be confident, make informed decisions.

  • Increase Profits: know your numbers, be in control, plan to be profitable, and love your numbers now.

Our Services

Don’t let the lack of solid financial analysis cost you money.

You’ve worked hard to create landing pages, funnels and lead generators.

You have expertly refined every aspect of your business. Now, don’t ignore the most important part – PROFITABILITY.


Monthly Bookkeeping Services

Professionally done, up-to-date, reliable accounting services to keep you in control of your business.

Financial Forecasting Coaching

Monthly one-on-one meetings with a coach to understand your numbers and plan out your profit and cash flow for the next 90 days.

Financial Forecasting Experience

Our financial education services include a LIVE group course led by an expert cash flow analyzer who will teach you profit planning, how to organize finances, how to be financially stable, and more.

Cindy Ingram - Art Class Curator

Love Your Numbers Now Works

Stop Stressing. Take Control. Be Profitable.

My name is Cindy Ingram. I run an online business selling curriculum to teachers. I started working with Carol two years ago. When I started working with Carol I had a great amount of stress over money. I didn’t have money growing up. I didn’t know how to use it. I didn’t know how to handle the amount of money that was coming in. I felt really inept. I felt out of control. I didn’t know where my money was coming from and I didn’t know where it was going. I was living in a constant state of anxiety. Read more.

Pam Barnhill Testimonial

I have paid off 30,000+ worth of debt.

One of the things that I love about Carol and one of the things that I don't love about Carol is we show up, I tell her how much money I'm going to make every month and then she says “How?”, it makes me figure it out.

Since I've been working with Carol, I've learned to set new goals for my business. I have a forecast and I know exactly where the money's going to come from. And I sleep better at night knowing that everything is under control. Read more.

Pam Barnhill - Award-winning Educator, Homeschool Mom